I was walking along one of my favorite beaches, and it was turtle season. Early each morning, park services ride along the beach looking for new sea turtle nests. They record the nest's location, place stakes, and rope off the location so that people do not disturb the nest and the babies can develop.
There is an old hymn that talks about standing on the promises of God. There are times when we cannot see the manifestation of the promises in the natural, but we "stand" on them, rope them off, keep them safe, and allow them to grow and develop. This is especially important when we are contending for a prophetic word to come to pass, waiting for the prodigal to return, healing to manifest, resolving a financial situation, our heart to heal, or walking through grief.
Sometimes, we "see" the fulfillment of those promises in the distance. We may call it a "God kiss," a moment where hope floods our souls. We smile again, a check comes in, we have a job interview, a meaningful conversation, or we begin to dream again. However, at this point, the promises are in the infancy stage and still have growing that must take place. This is a pivotal point in which we must keep our focus, take the ground, and ensure we do not give up before the journey is complete.
As the turtles begin to hatch, they must journey from the nest to the ocean. This journey is dangerous as predators know they are easy prey. The residents and the park service try to keep the predators away so that the baby turtles can get to the water and grow into maturity.
When we do not protect the promises of God over our lives, we risk having them stolen away. Scripture is clear that Satan roams around looking to cause trouble and destroy that which God has planted within us. (1 Peter 5:8). As we step into the promises, there is often a growth process. The demonic tremble when a child of God begins to take ground, and they will attempt to keep us from reaching our destination. This includes attacking the seedlings of hope that are growing in the soil of the promises of God.
In Ecclesiastes 4:9-12, we are reminded that two are better than one, and Hebrews 10:25 exhorts us not to give up meeting together. Why? Because when we are contending for the promises of God, there are times when we need others to help us successfully make the journey to maturity.
God has plans and purposes for you (Jeremiah 29:11). He promises He will never leave you or forsake you (Deuteronomy 31:8). Hebrews 12:1 tells us to run the race with endurance.
Your promises may be in a nest, hidden and growing. Or you may be waging war as you try to get to the next stage of your promise. Wherever you are, "run" that race with endurance. Keep your focus on the one who is able, the provider (Jehovah Jireh), the faithful one.
Heavenly Father, the journey from your promises to their fulfillment can seem daunting, overwhelming, and impossible. And, sometimes, it looks like I cross a finish line to find myself back in the nest as life throws me another curve ball. I ask your forgiveness for when I have doubted or focused more on the enemy surrounding me than the banqueting table you have set before me. Heaven Father, I mark the promises you have given me, and I put a protective hedge around them. I commit to ponder them and dream with you. Heavenly Father, I lift my eyes to you, for you are indeed where my help comes from. I ask you to provide the protection, wisdom, and strength I need to make the whole journey. I will guard, stand firm on, and enter the fullness of your promises over my life. In Jesus' name. Amen.