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Prayer, The Most Powerful Thing You CAN Do!

Updated: Apr 27, 2023

Do you sometimes think of prayer as the last resort? Prayer can be the thing that we go to when everything else has failed. Sometimes this behavior is unintentional. However, we can be sure that when it seeps into our lives God will point it out.

This morning, I was talking to the Lord about something. And by talking, I mean I was doing the talking, and He was doing the listening. I don’t understand the issue, and frankly, I am frustrated. Can you relate?

God is patient and waited as I talked, processed, and vented my frustration. When I finally got it out of my system, I said to Him, “I guess all I can do is pray.” God’s response was, “isn’t that the most powerful thing you can do?”

So often, we unintentionally look at prayer as our last resort. We turn to prayer when we have done everything else, we know to do, then we pray. I was taken back by what the Lord said to me. I wonder how that conversation would have gone had I started seeking His will, advice, counsel, and peace rather than grumbling.

James 5 ends with talking about healing and woven throughout that passage is prayer. In verse 16, we find “for tremendous power is released through the passionate, heartfelt prayer of a godly believer” (TPT). That power is not just for physical healing. God longs to release that tremendous power in every area of our lives.

As I walked away from this encounter with the Lord, I realized I needed to be on my knees with the situations in my life. It is vital that I do not wait until the problem catches up with me, overwhelms me, confuses me, or confounds me. Because of my relationship with God, I am to be battle-ready and prepared for what comes at me. And, I am to walk in the wisdom and counsel that comes from Heavenly Realms. However, the only way I can access the insight and revelation from the Heavenly realm is to spend time there.

Prayer is not my last resort when nothing else works.

Prayer must be the place I go before anything happens.

Prayer is the most powerful thing I can do in any moment, in any situation, and in every circumstance.

And the same is true for you.

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