Personally I am a bit stubborn, strong willed and a bit outspoken. I have had to work on having a functional filter at times. Honestly, my mouth can get me into trouble sometimes!
Believe it or not, I actually had a very severe speech impediment when I was younger. So severe that the school system tried to classify me as retarded (remember, I am old enough that this was pre-political correct language!). However, they didn’t know the back story. When I was 4 I was taken to be evaluated. The plan was to delay kindergarden because they were not sure of my mental ability. What happened was quite the opposite. My parents were told to put me into Kindergarden immediately and not wait. Hence, I started full kindergarden at age 4 rather than age 5. With this knowledge my mother fought the school system and would not allow me to be classified, despite the fact that no one could understand a word I said!
When I was six we moved from New York State to Michigan. I still remember the tears streaming down my face as we left the only town I knew. What I didn’t know was that God has a wonderful gift waiting for me in Michigan. This angel was a speech therapist who quickly unlocked my speech issues. Within a very short amount of time I was speaking clearly.
Clarity of speech is important in our Christian walk. Scripture tells us that the tongue holds the power of life and death (Proverbs 18:21). The Psalmist recognized this as he penned a very powerful prayer. “May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing to you, O Lord, my rock and my redeemer” (Psalm 19:14 NLT).
What is coming out of your mouth?
Heavenly Father, I pray that our words would bring life to all those around us. That we would use language that edifies, builds-up and strengthens those around us. That we would tell the stories of your faithfulness and sing praises to you.