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Handling the Moment When God Repositions You... Part 3 of 3

Updated: Apr 27, 2023

Key #1 Re-cap: Our vision must shift to see from a Heavenly perspective rather than an earthly perspective. It is the only way we can navigate this season.

Key #2 Re-Cap: We can only impact our culture if we keep our focus and not allow ourselves to become defiled with what is happening around us.

Keep Reading to learn key number three and pull the keys together.

You are created to have an impact beyond what you can see in the natural. You are made to have an impact that invades the impossible situations you encounter throughout life.

As we talk about Daniel, we find that he had a few other friends taken captive with him. Daniel 1:17 tells us that God gave these four young men an unusual aptitude for understanding every aspect of the foreign culture where they were held captive. They stood head and shoulders above the rest as they studied literature. If you think back to your school years, these would have been the kids who aced every test and were the teacher's favorites. Daniel found himself standing out even more as God gave him the ability to interpret visions and dreams. He would have been one of the magicians by their culture, but the catch was He had a different source for his information. Remember, Daniel had not allowed any aspect of the culture to defile him, even when he stood out from everyone else. He stood out because God saw his heart during a difficult situation and gave him more than what he needed to impact the culture of Babylonia.

In this season, God is releasing Heavenly wisdom for earthly situations. Do not devalue the level of impact you have for the Kingdom of Heaven at your disposal. God has positioned you for favor; step into it with confidence in who God is and how He is equipping you. Be careful to draw from the Heavenly perspective and bring that into the earthly realm; do not go in the other direction. Like Daniel, live in the land that God has called you to live in for this season. Keep focused on God, be brave, and remember who you are. You are a child of the King.

Key #3: Step into and activate the Heavenly wisdom that God is giving you for earthly situations.

Heavenly Father, give me the wisdom, courage, and boldness to impact the culture around me just like Daniel did.


Key #1: Our vision must shift to see from a Heavenly perspective rather than an earthly perspective. It is the only way we can navigate this season.

Key #2: We can only impact our culture if we keep our focus and not allow ourselves to become defiled with what is happening around us.

Key #3: Step into and activate the Heavenly wisdom that God is giving you for earthly situations.

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